Wednesday Jun 11, 2025
8:45 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
8:45 to 9 AM – Guests arrive, grab coffee/pastries, and network
Thank you for Joining Us!
West Shore Bank
400 East Eighth Street
Traverse City, MI 49686
FREE (This is a Traverse Connect Investor event only)
Michael Broodo
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On Wednesday, June 11, 2025 Traverse Connect is hosting our bi-monthly Coffee Connection! This event will take place at the West Shore Bank in the event space and will be a great opportunity to maximize your membership by making new connections with fellow Traverse Connect members, hear about Traverse Connect's efforts to help you GROW YOUR BUSINESS, and learn how to best use your benefits and maintain your account.
Whether you have recently joined or have been a long-time member, Coffee Connection is a fantastic opportunity to connect with our team, as well as network with other members within the Traverse City Business Community.
Coffee will be generously provided by Biggby Coffee and pastries will be provided by FS Roofing!
We look forward to seeing you!
Attend in person at West Shore Bank.